
There is a whole world around

A single word is enough to evocate the beauty of the handmade, our culture and our identity. It represents a precious capital that fascinates the entire world and can shape the reality thanks to the wide knowledge of materials and processes where it has its roots. Craftsmanship: this is the precious capital that Edoné borrowed from tradition and carefully applied to its production. It represents the stylistic signature that allows us to provide unique solutions, also on large-scale production; It is a philosophy that guides the design and operation of every new collection; It is the transposition of the tradition into the future, enriching it with forefront technologies and evolution of the processes; It is romanticism and competitivity; It’s a strong personality defined through the over 250 finishes of our 10 collections; It’s the pleasure of providing furnishing solutions with the certainty of dealing at best with the style of each project, where also the smallest detail is customisable.

The handmade ragging technique

With the aim of enhancing the artisanal know-how, Edoné decided to propose among its wooden finishes also the ancient ragging technique. This technique gives the product a more tactile aspect that enhances the natural characteristics of wood. The exclusively handmade process enriches the piece of furniture with sole traits created by the unique interaction between the peculiarities of the panel, the manual skill of the artisan and the specific environmental factors.

The technique

The wooden panel is sanded using grit-180 sandpaper and afterwards it is painted using a spray gun that applies a layer of 100gr/sm paint. When the paint is still fresh, it is spread by hand over the panel using a cotton cloth in order for the wood to naturally absorb it. After 4 hours drying, the panel is painted with a crossed layer of one-coat waterborne coating 130gr/sm and let drying for another 4 hours. It is then sanded with fine-grain sandpaper. Lastly a crossed double layer of finishing matt paint 110gr/sm is applied to the panel and let drying for 4/6 hours.

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